ClickFunnels For Chiropractors: How The Two-Step Funnel Works

So how exactly does ClickFunnels for chiropractors actually work?

To my surprise, this question has been more popular than I ever would have imagined.

Don’t worry though, I’ve got your back 🙂

This post will completely focus on showing you how ClickFunnels works for chiropractors.

Let’s get right on into the good stuff.

ClickFunnels For Chiropractors Explained

clickfunnels and chiropractors

So first I want to clear up any confusion and answer this question that often comes up:

Can you use the ClickFunnels software for chiropractics?

Yes! ClickFunnels is a powerful tool for any chiropractor who needs to:

  • Generate leads.
  • Turn those leads into new patients (paying clients).

This marketing tool does a lot more than just help you generate leads and make sales too.

As a matter of fact, you can this funnel building software for any type of business:

  • ClickFunnels works for any online business.
  • ClickFunnels also works for any offline business.

I frequently like to joke around and say that ClickFunnels even works for dummies 🙂

The reason why this tool works for any business is that they help you create sales funnels.

A sales funnel allows you to bring potential new patients 1-step closer to purchasing.

So as a chiropractor, you will be using ClickFunnels to create a two-step chiropractic funnel.

Here are the two steps that you’ll need to create:

  1. A landing page that showcases your special offer.
  2. A landing page where your leads can reach out to you (or you can reach out to them).

These two steps are very simple, and I’ll be breaking them down for you in slightly more detail.

So if you haven’t gotten the ability to start using this marketing tool yet?

I will add a helpful tutorial below that shows you how to quickly get started today.

ClickFunnels Complimentary Trial: Here is how you can signup.

Let’s now break down the two steps of creating our chiropractor funnel.

Starting with the first step below.

Step 1 Of The Chiropractic Funnel: The Special Offer

chiropractic email offer

So the picture above is an example of what one of the first landing pages might look like.

This simple landing page focuses on one thing, and one thing only:

Your offer.

Here are the important parts that you’ll want to include on this lead generation page:

  • Urgency (seen at the top with only 20 available this month).
  • What they will be getting along with the special savings shown.
  • And last but not least, a button that will take them to the next page after completion.

The logo picture at the top of the page adds an extra nice touch as well.

Helpful Note: Just don’t take a long time getting a logo if you don’t have one yet.

This is all about getting your lead generation page up and running as soon as possible.

Now, your main focus on this page (aside from your offer) is to collect targeted leads.

These are the leads that you will follow up with if they don’t reach out to you.

Related Reading: More examples of ClickFunnels landing pages.

So what happens after someone clicks on the big green button?

A pop-up box appears where the visitors can enter in their information such as:

  • Name.
  • Email address.
  • As well as their telephone number.

Upon completion, they are then automatically sent to the second and final step of the funnel.

So that’s the first step of the funnel.

Let’s take a look at the second and final step of the funnel now.

Step 2 Of The Chiropractic Funnel: Reaching Out To Your Leads

chiropractic funnel for new patient

Ironically enough, this page is even simpler than the previous step of the funnel.

This part of the sales funnel is referred to as the thank you page, and it usually includes:

  1. A description of what they opted-in more.
  2. A call to action (and your phone number) so that they can immediately reach out.

Keep in mind that there are going to people who don’t reach out to you.

That is why you collected their email and phone number on the previous pages.

But the best-case scenario is going to be when someone reaches out to you.

Pretty simple stuff right?

I’d recommend that test out ClickFunnels and put together a chiropractor funnel.

You can even model the template that I’ve used in this blog post:

Here’s some more info for you as well.

ClickFunnels Chiropractic Marketing Video Tutorial

So the previous information might have been a little too simplified for you.

I completely get it, however:

  • You might want a little bit more information.
  • Or maybe you’re more into digesting information through video.

If that’s the case, I put a video above that walks you through the process of what I showed you.

Simply click the play button down above for the video version of this blog post.

There are two things that you need to focus on once traffic is sent to your chiropractor funnel:

  1. Collect leads.
  2. Follow up with them (if they didn’t reach out to you).

You may use Facebook ads, organic traffic, or whatever traffic source you know the best.

Helpful Note: Facebook ads some of the highest targeted paid traffic.

Just make sure that you don’t over-complicate the online marketing process.

Let’s get to the end of this chiropractic marketing post now and wrap things up.

ClickFunnels And Chiropractors: A Few Closing Words

sales funnel for chiropractors

So that is the two-step sales funnel that any chiropractor can use.

Here is what your two landing pages should each focus on:

  • Your offer.
  • Having your leads reach out to you.

You can also reach out to your leads to see that you have their email address.

Now here is the most important note that I want you to get out of this post:

Any type of business can use this platform for marketing.

So yes, ClickFunnels certainly goes hand in hand with chiropractors.

  • It allows you to collects leads.
  • Then you can reach out to them and turn those leads into new patients.

That’s the process of using a ClickFunnels sales funnel for chiropractors like yourself.

If you haven’t tried ClickFunnels yet, then I highly recommend that you do.

They come with a complimentary14-day trial that you can access by using the link below:

The other good news is that it’s pretty easy to pay for ClickFunnels as a chiropractor.

It just comes out to be some simple math.

Assuming that one new patient is worth more than $1,000 to you over the span of 365 days?

All it takes is a sale or two in order for you to pay for the cost of ClickFunnels for one year.

That’s one big benefit when it comes to utilizing sales funnels to attract new patients.

I want to say thank you for taking the time to learn more about this very specific topic.

ClickFunnels Also Works For These Businesses

When it comes to this specific software, there’s always that one question that gets asked:

Will ClickFunnels work for me?

If you’ve read this post, then you’ll know that you can use ClickFunnels for any type of business.

So if you’d like some more inspiration when it comes to using ClickFunnels for other businesses?

Then this is the perfect section for you.

Down below are a few more articles that link to how you can specifically use ClickFunnels:

There’s even been a hot dog vendor who has used ClickFunnels to see great success.

I’ll repeat the phrase in a different way:

You can even use ClickFunnels as a hot dog vendor (not like you’d need it for that).

But that should be more than enough inspiration when it comes to using this software.

Thanks again for taking the time to read more about using this software and online marketing.

James Canzanella

A former personal trainer who went from unemployment to online business success. He's been marketing since 2012 and (still) enjoys lifting weights, listening to rock music, and relentlessly quoting movie lines.

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