Are YouTube Tags Case Sensitive? (Capitalization And Titles Explained)

There’s SO much that you need to focus on when it comes to YouTube videos, but what about capitalizing your tags?

Allow me to answer all of the important related questions for you.

Are YouTube Tags Case Sensitive? Should They Be Capitalized?

are youtube tags case sensitive

There’s no need to worry about capitalization when it comes to YouTube tags. Whether you use capital letters or not, will have no effect on your video ranking on YouTube.

There are only a couple of things that you need to focus on when it comes to using tags. In my opinion, that would be:

  • Use proper tags for your video.
  • Spell the tags that you use correctly.

So you can capitalize your tags if you find yourself having to be in super OCD mode (like I can be sometimes).

Just keep in mind that it’s not going to have any effect on whether or not your tags put in their YouTube work.

Speaking of using YouTube tags, do those things even matter anymore and should you keep using them? Let’s talk about that next.

Do Tags Matter Anymore On YouTube?

Contrary to popular belief, I still do belive that tags on YouTube still matter, and will still continue to use them for every YouTube video that I create.

The idea behind tags is that they allow people to find your videos. There are going to be plenty of other factors that play into people finding your videos, but why wouldn’t you want to leverage that feature?

Plus, it takes about 30 seconds or so to type in a few related tags that are related to your video.

For me personally, I like using other third-party software to look in the tag section and see where I am ranking for each of my tags in my videos.

I bet you didn’t know that you could do that, did ya?

All in all, I consider it a ranking factor, even if it’s a very small one. Be sure to keep reading on as I’ll talk about what matters the most when it comes to YouTube very soon.

Does Capitalization Matter In YouTube Titles?

Overall, capitalization doesn’t matter when it comes to your YouTube titles. However, you can use capitalization to make your titles pop and get more attention.

There are so many ways that you can format your YouTube titles nowadays. For example, you can:

  • use no capitalization
  • Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word

Have you ever noticed how some creators will switch things up when it comes to titles like this? It’s a good strategy, especially when it comes to getting others to click on their videos.

While it’s one of the best strategies when it comes to YouTube, it is certainly something that you can keep in your YouTube optimization bag of tricks.

If the capitalization of titles and tags isn’t going to make or break your YouTube success, then what will? Let’s move on to the best part of the article now.

What Matters The Most When It Comes To YouTube?

When it comes to YouTube, there are three things that matter the most: the videos that you create, your thumbnails, and the overall engagement of your videos.

There are actually quite a lot of other important factors that go hand-in-hand with those three major things.

Allow me to talk more about each of these strategies, as well as one extra tip that you need to keep in mind if you’re going to see success with YouTube.

1) The Quality Of Your YouTube Video

In my opinion, this is going to be what matters the most when it comes to creating YouTube videos. You can have the luxury of:

  • Talking about a hot (or trendy) topic.
  • Using a thumbnail that attracts clicks like a magnet.

But if you have a video where you sound like the annoying professor in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off? People are going to quickly leave your video and YouTube is going to punish you for that.

In other words, YouTube isn’t going to rank your video very high considering the fact that people aren’t watching a lot of it.

That’s what YouTube is all about, keeping people on their platform for as long as possible so that they can serve up as many ads as humanly possible.

This is why a lot of weaker and non-valuable videos are getting pushed aside because YouTube has much better videos to be serving to their audience.

Oh and on one more note. In case you haven’t seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the professor talks so slow and robotic that it makes most of the students fall asleep. You don’t want your videos to sound like that!

2) The Catchy Thumbnail That You Use

So let’s assume that you created a highly valuable video that your audience wants to watch. What’s also going to be important is the thumbnail that you use to get people to click on your video.

After all, if people haven’t heard of you and they search for a topic that you created a video about, they will have to:

  • Type in what they are looking for.
  • Click on the video that stands out the most to them.

So how do you make a video stand out the most against other videos in YouTube search? A catchy thumbnail that grabs their attention.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to be an expert to create an eye-popping thumbnail. Most of the time, you just need to see what other people are doing, and do the complete opposite of them:

  • Is everyone using a similar color? Use a contrasting color.
  • Is everyone just using text? Use your face along with some text.
  • Is everyone just doing a review? Add some bonuses along with your review.

I think you get the idea. I would still put a lot more emphasis on creating a high-quality video first, given the fact that the process might take a little longer when compared to creating a thumbnail.

Either way, thumbnails are certainly an important factor when it comes to creating YouTube videos.

3) The Engagement That Your Video Gets

In case you couldn’t tell by now, here is what YouTube likes when it comes to your YouTube videos:

  • People clicking on your specific video.
  • People watching a lot of your video (that means more ads served).

And now we get to talk about engagement, which is another great sign that your viewers really enjoy the videos that you are creating.

Engagement on your video can come in the form of:

  • Commenting on your video.
  • Subscribing to your YouTube channel.
  • Liking your video (RIP the downvote count).

As you can tell, all of these things are in favor of keeping your visitors on YouTube for as long as they can. This is also a big reason why creators are giving SO many calls to action in their videos:

  • Be sure to like this video!
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!
  • Leave a comment down below if you agree or disagree.

In my opinion, this is also why more and more creators are moving towards news-related, controversial, and drama-filled topics, because these types of videos get a massive amount of views and engagement.

Either way, it’s important that you know how important engagement is when it comes to getting your YouTube videos to show up in more great spots.

In the perfect world, you would want someone to:

  • Click on your video.
  • Click on the Like button.
  • Subscribe to your channel.
  • Watch all the way to the end.
  • As well as leave a comment related to your video.

The more people that you can get doing that, the overall better that your videos will be doing in the long run.

4) If You Are Achieving Your End Goal Or Not

Before I said that there are three important factors when it comes to YouTube, so you can consider this a bonus factor (or a tip). Either way, make sure you have a solid goal when it comes to YouTube.

I say this because there are quite a lot of goals when it comes to using YouTube. Here are a few examples:

  • Making sales.
  • Generating leads.
  • Create elite-level content.
  • Getting a certain amount of views.
  • Getting a certain amount of subscribers (the most popular goal).

I’m not saying that you can’t entertain the idea of all of these goals, but just make sure you know the reason for creating all of your YouTube videos.

For example, my biggest thing has been generating leads/making sales (which can be done simultaneously). Because of that, the number of views or subscribers that I get isn’t a big deal to me.

To others, they would look at my channel(s) and expect that I’m not doing anything significant because of a low subscriber count, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth.

So always keep the main goal in the back of your mind, as that’s what you should be optimizing for the most.

YouTube Title Capitalization: Closing Words

At the end of the day, YouTube title and tag capitalization isn’t going to make or break your success, so don’t sweat it.

As a recap, here are the most important aspects when it comes to YouTube videos:

  1. Creating high-quality and valuable videos.
  2. Using a catchy thumbnail.
  3. Getting engagement.

And with all of that being said, make sure that you are aware of your YouTube goal and don’t ever take your focus off of it.

So that’s about it, I hope that I helped you answer the question when it comes to YouTube tags and if you should capitalize them or not.

Until the next time we speak, happy YouTube video creating!

James Canzanella

A former personal trainer who went from unemployment to online business success. He's been marketing since 2012 and (still) enjoys lifting weights, listening to rock music, and relentlessly quoting movie lines.

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