Tube Atlas Review: YouTube Software Features, Demo, & Pricing

Thanks for checking out my Tube Atlas review.

You’ve got some type of interest in this YouTube software, and it’s for good reason.

As there are a lot of helpful features that can benefit you and your YouTube marketing.

Let’s talk more about this software and how it can specifically help you out.

What Is Tube Atlas?

Tube Atlas is software that will certainly help you with your YouTube marketing efforts.

Seriously, there is a lot to like when it comes to the features that it offers.

Right off the bat, Tube Atlas will be able to help with YouTube related tasks such as:

  • Researching top earning videos, trends, channels, and keywords.
  • Analyze thousands of video comments to see if people love or hate a product.
  • Extract content from YouTube, spin it, then you can publish it anywhere that you like.

It can even help you extract the estimated amount of ad revenue per video and channel.

This is perfect for identifying high-paying videos that you should replicate yourself.

And there’s still a ton more (which I list out later in the review).

Tube Atlas is also currently having a special deal in terms of the price as well:

With that being said, I’m going to walk you through a few of its powerful features.

So let’s get started with the official review and demo of this Tube Atlas software.

Tube Atlas Review Introduction: Features And Demo

tube atlas review

With all of the features that this software offers, I’m going to highlight some of my favorites.

We’ve got a lot to demo and talk about, so let’s get right on into the good stuff.

Keyword Generator Feature

tube atlas keyword generator

This is actually my favorite feature of this Tube Atlas software.

Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to get your keywords:

  1. Add in your seed keyword (I used ClickFunnels for this example).
  2. Then you can choose your search range in terms of how you want the results to show.

This is beneficial because it spits out all of the important autocomplete keywords.

These have been shown to be searched for significantly.

In other words, these are usually the types of keywords that you want to create content for.

This will also save you a ton of time compared to doing the process manually.

In addition to this, you can also get the search volume for all of the keywords that you create.

As shown in the screenshot above, there are two ways to do this:

  1. Use Storybase (which is free to use).
  2. Use Google Adsense (you just need to have an account with them).

Either way, there are tutorial videos that help you out with the process in case it’s needed.

Overall, the keywords with higher search volumes tend to be great for views (obviously).

Just don’t forget about the small keywords that can also have buyer intent.

So that’s the keyword research aspect; done in just a few clicks of your mouse.

Let’s take a look at the next Tube Atlas feature.

Trends Generator Feature

Have you ever heard of Google trends before?

This software replicates that feature and allows you to capture much more data at once.

In fact, you can take the keywords that you found previously and add them to this section.

Keep in mind, that this is a feature where there are some minor limitations.

In other words, you can’t generate thousands upon thousands of examples at one time.

The owner talks about how you can use free or paid proxies to help out if needed.

That’s only for this feature though.

But you get access to features that Google Trends doesn’t provide like:

  • The averages.
  • The trend slopes.

So that’s a feature that can go hand in hand with finding new keywords right off the bat.

Let’s take a look at a couple more features that this software has.

Video Analyzer Feature

tube atlas video analyzer

The video analyzer will give you everything that you need to know about specific keywords.

Here is how it works:

  1. Enter in your seed keyword again (I chose
  2. Change any settings that you might want (I left everything as it was).
  3. Finally, click on the red Search button and get all of your data in front of you.

You can’t see it on the screen, but there is a TON of data on the right side of this.

Just to give you an idea, this feature will have data for things such as:

  • Likes.
  • Views.
  • Comments.
  • Length in seconds.
  • Characters in the title.
  • The estimated video earnings.
  • Average views per day (helpful).
  • When it was published as well as its age.

And plenty more that you’ll see when using this specific feature.

Many of these categories are perfect for finding new keywords to create videos about.

For example, if a smaller channel had created a video and it got a lot of:

  • View, likes, and or comments.
  • And it hasn’t been around for too long?

Then the chances are much higher that there’s a lot of popularity around that keyword.

That’s the power of using the information that you’re given in with this specific feature.

No long research process here, you enter in the information and it does it for you.

Let’s take a look at just one more feature.

Keep in mind that there are still plenty more that this software has to offer.

I’ll at least list those features so that you know everything you’ll be getting.

Channel Analyzer Feature

tube atlas channel analyzer

This feature is going to come with a few more steps, but it’s certainly worth it.

Similar to the previous feature, this will give you a TON of information about specific channels.

Here are some of the steps and the flexibility that come with this feature:

  • Picking a seed keyword related to your niche.
  • Find channels that are related to what you’d like to make videos about.
  • Extract their videos to get as much information as possible from those videos.

Once again, there are tutorial walkthroughs for all of these features.

Dave, the owner, does a great job at walking you through everything, step by step.

Once again, this will give you specific information like before such as:

  • Likes.
  • Views.
  • Comments.
  • Length in seconds.
  • Characters in the title.
  • The estimated video earnings.
  • Average views per day (helpful).
  • When it was published as well as its age.

But keep in mind, that this is for all videos from a specific YouTube channel.

It’s a fabulous way to keep an eye out on what the competition is doing on YouTube.

In this example, I used Alston’s channel as an example since he has so many videos.

Here, I’d want to take a look and sort by some of the important metrics such as:

  • Views.
  • Average views per day.
  • The estimated video earnings.

And so on and so forth, as those will help you with traffic and making money.

I think it’s easy for you to see how a lot of these features work together as well.

Allow me to talk a little bit more about what this YouTube software has to offer too.

More Tube Atlas Features

I want to quickly mention that this software truly has a lot to offer.

So rather than going over every single feature, here is a list of what it has to offer:

  • Keyword Generator – get top-searched keywords directly from YouTube.
  • Trends Generator – get search volume index data for YouTube keywords.
  • Video Analyzer – extract 25 columns of powerful research data.
  • Browser Extractor – extract video data from ANY page on YouTube.
  • Channel Analyzer – find the top earning videos from any given Channel.
  • Video-to-Text Converter – generate unlimited legal content from YouTube.
  • Comment Analyzer – uncover hidden niche ideas and identify user issues.
  • Content Spinner – generate perfect human readable content.
  • Video Title Generator – get over 1,200+ video titles that you can use.
  • Video Downloader – download unlimited videos, audio, and more.
  • Tag Analyzer – uncover the top tag keywords for unlimited videos.
  • Video Title Analyzer – reveal the best word combinations across unlimited video titles.

You’d usually have to pay a good amount of money just to see one of these features.

But that’s the big emphasis that I want to make in this review; you get a ton of value.

You might also have one big question on your mind right now:

How much is Tube Atlas going to cost?

The good news is that it’s not going to cost you an arm and a leg to use.

Let’s now take a look at the prices that come with Tube Atlas as well as the upgrades.

What’s The Tube Atlas Pricing?

tube atlas pricing

So I’ve got some great news when it comes to the Tube Atlas pricing.

Depending on when you check out this software, you can get a really nice deal.

In other words, here is what the price range is for the Tube Atlas software:

  • Tube Atlas will be anywhere from $37-$67.

The reason for the fluctuation in price is the fact that this is a newly launched software.

So those who jump on this quicker will be able to save some money.

Even if you miss the discount though, $67 one time is still a solid price for this software.

There are also going to be some upsells that you can purchase in addition to this.

Here is a quick list of the additional upgrades so that you know what to expect:

  1. Two brand new unreleased desktop apps for increasing video traffic: $47.
  2. Software bundle special offer (a lot of value here): $97.

Either way, that’s what you can expect when it comes to the pricing of this software.

I’d recommend checking out the sales page so that you can get the best price.

So now you have a good idea of how this software works and what you get.

Let’s wrap up this review of Tube Atlas and get to the grand finale.

Tube Atlast Review: Summary Conclusion

tube atlas review

Tube Atlas Review: This software is like a swiss-army knife for YouTube marketers, and comes with a plethora of helpful features to help with your YouTube marketing needs.

I feel like this is the perfect time for a YouTube software tool to show up.

Even better is the fact that it has a LOT to offer as well.

Here’s what I really like about this software:

  • It makes doing YouTube keyword research so much easier.
  • It’s perfect for spying on and researching other videos/channels.
  • The trends generator is great if you’re on the lookout for BIG topics.
  • The channel analyzer is perfect for discovering some of the highest-paying videos.

And I can go on and on when it comes to the features and benefits.

While I’d prefer software like this to be in the cloud, the download isn’t a huge deal.

Plus, there are tons of helpful step-by-step videos for all of the features on the inside.

With that being said, this is a great YouTube software that comes at a great price.

Tube Atlas is well worth the price of admission, and I recommend picking it up:

So thank you for taking the time to read my Tube Atlas review.

I hope that it helped you get more information about how this software can help you out.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment down below.

If not, then I hope that you enjoy this YouTube software as much as I do.

James Canzanella

A former personal trainer who went from unemployment to online business success. He's been marketing since 2012 and (still) enjoys lifting weights, listening to rock music, and relentlessly quoting movie lines.

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